What should I name my nonprofit organization?
Naming a nonprofit can be a challenging task, but there are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a name:

Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a name:
1. Make it memorable: Choose a name that is easy to remember and stands out from the crowd. Avoid long or complicated names that are difficult to pronounce or spell.
2. Reflect your mission: Your nonprofit's name should reflect your mission and the work you do. Choose a name that communicates the purpose of your organization and what you hope to achieve.
3. Consider branding: Choose a name that lends itself well to branding and marketing efforts. It should be easy to use in logos, slogans, and other marketing materials.
4. Check availability: Make sure the name you choose is not already in use by another nonprofit organization. You can check the availability of a name by conducting a search on the website of your state's secretary of state.
Some examples of effective nonprofit names include:
• Habitat for Humanity
• Save the Children
• Doctors Without Borders
• World Wildlife Fund
• Feeding America
Based on the above points, you can brainstorm and shortlist some names that align with your nonprofit's mission and goals, and then conduct research to ensure the name is not already taken.